
Monday, July 12, 2010

Watermelon Girl

Hello again!

Before I let you go for the night (and while I still remember my day) I thought I'd post Sunday's happenings.

I really wanted to go for a run yesterday, so even though it was kinda late (OMG 9:30!) Ralph and I went for a 2 mile run. It was great! We ran on a trail behind my house and passed by lots of people walking their dogs.

Then breakfast began. It started so well!

Fried egg, plus buttered bread.

Um... and a little more carbs + unpictured peanut butter and maple jelly (Oh yes, it exists and it is glorious! Personally, I like it better than maple syrup but I'm kinda weird)

Chilled around the house, Ralph and I cleaned up a bit, then mom, Ralph and I went to the bakery. Picked up lots of bread, meat and pasta salad.

Made Identical lunches for the family, on olive bread no less!
Plus turkey, olive oil mayo (so bad for you, but so good- don't we all have a love/hate relationship with condiment, unless one hates it that is.)

After packing up, Ralph and I drove back to my apt. We made a quick dinner based on what I had on hand:
^Indian Stuffed sweet potatoes                               Minty iced tea^

After dinner dessert

I dragged Ralph to Barnes and Noble minutes before they closed so I could purchase Kathy Griffin's Memoir. I know, I know but this would be perfect beach reading material (if I was nearer to a beach...)

Ralph watched TV, while I read my book.
Late night snack

Then bedtime!
Better yet, time for tonight's bedtime too!


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