
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer Run

Yesterday, I went for a short run, about 35 minutes, and covered about 3-3.5 miles in the Wissahickon Valley Park (part of the reason I'm having trouble getting the exact distance is because much of my run was on the trails. 

Needless to say it was pretty hot and sticky out yesterday, somewhere around 90 degrees, but I was very motivated and happy because I was wearing these Blur 33 asics :

Yep, I'm pretty sure I was the brightest thing in the park. 

Today, I did not got for a run, but instead took a day off to visit my CSA and pick up veggies, visit the grocery with Ralph (to pick of the rest of our staples for the week) and cooked with the veggies I picked up at Henry Got Crops. I'm so excited to share what I'm making/made, so stay tuned.

Before I go, let me leave you a pic of the farm
Very far away, but I assure you, it was a great day for picking vegetables.


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